3E is for YOU!

3E is for you, 3E is for us. We’ve been saying that for years and we rediscover each year how true that is.  3E’s programs, funded by the generosity of the people of the Rocky Mountain Synod in partnership with the Lilly Endowment, aim to change our culture around money in the Rocky Mountain Synod.

Recently, a pastor wrote about one of our programs, Stewardship for All Seasons, “We learned that we had focused on scarcity vs generosity. It totally changed how we look at stewardship and the way we talk and think about money at church.” That’s a profound shift in focus: living from trust in God’s abundance rather than in fear of “running out” or “not having enough” or even “being enough.” Together, the best way of being, we can experience the joy of this new outlook.     

Please explore the tabs to learn more about 3E Grants for 2023. Questions? contact Dn. Sarah Bjornebo, Program Director 

We invite you to explore the programs and ministries of 3E. We want to hear from you and add your story to those who have experienced blessing through 3E.


We really loved the program and are still looking at the impact and we think we have a roughly 20% increase in giving forecast for the coming year and we are flabbergasted at that. Some of that gain is "concrete", meaning, people who are giving online through a recurring gift, have increased by about $8000 a year. And we are a very small church so this is pretty amazing.​ ~ Pr. Daniel Tisdale, St. Mark's, Roswell. NM

3E is part of the Lilly Endowment’s “National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders,” sharing grants of more than $28 million to a wide variety of Christian organizations across the nation. To learn more about this Lilly Endowment initiative, visit http://ecfpl.org/

3E Core Value 
Accountability to others.
 In all ways we wish to be authentic, transparent, and accountable to the Lilly Endowment and the staff of the National Initiative Coordination Program, our fellow ELCA grantees, our new partners in the Grand Canyon Synod, our Synod Council, the bishop and staff of the Rocky Mountain Synod, and especially to the people our programs serve.