Faith Formation Network
The Faith Formation Network is an open community of people made of up volunteer, lay, and rostered leaders who are passionate about the ways in which the church supports faith at home, youth and family ministry, young adults, and the ongoing faith learning in older adults. This network is revamping to meet the need of our leaders in the Synod! Please contact Kinna Nordstrom Kemp with your questions and please take this survey to help with discernment.
Take the Faith Formation Survey
RMS Faith Formation Network on Facebook!
RMS Faith Formation Network - chat on What’s App!
ELCA Youth Ministry Network
The ELCA Youth Ministry Network seeks to provide opportunities for spiritual renewal, continuing education and networking for adults who work with children, youth and families in our congregations. The annual Youth Ministry Extravaganza event draws hundreds of youth ministry professionals from all over the country for connection, continuing education, and mutual encouragement. The Network exists because of, and for its members. Visit elcaymnet.org or click the logo!
Click here for Soul ShopTM schedule of August, September, and October classes, more information, and to register!
Conference Coordinators
The role of the conference coordinator is to communicate, connect, and encourage. If you have questions about what is happening around faith formation in the RMS, about resources, or looking for ways to get connected talk to your CC. Please note this is in addition to the Conference Dean who role is primarily with rostered ministers. The CC’s goal is connecting with those working within Faith Formation. To contact your CC, click on the link by their name.
Border Conference: Laura Carson (email)
N. Colorado: Korra Looschen (email)
Boulder/Broomfield: Marissa Seuc-Hester (email)
N. New Mexico: Nicolé Ferry (email)
Metro East: Shanna VanderWel (email)
SE Colorado: Kristen Saathoff
South Metro: vacancy (email)
Wyoming: - vacancy
Metro West: vacancy
Utah: Vacancy
Safe Gatherings
Safe Gatherings is an online abuse prevention program that screens and educates staff and volunteers to help prevent abuse of children, youth, and vulnerable adults in group settings. When employees and volunteers are trained to identify potential abusers, recognize the signs of abuse, and know how to handle reporting, they are better equipped to prevent abuse.