
The ELCA provides some excellent resources for those exploring their vocation. If you are just beginning to explore and discern, you are invited to visit the ELCA website vocation pages as an excellent place to start. If you have discerned that God seems to be calling you to professional leadership in the church, you may be ready to explore further on the ELCA site.  These resources will introduce you to the two rosters of ministry in the ELCA, decoans and pastors. We have Discernment Advocates ready to guide you to what might be next. Join an online discernment group today!

Candidacy in the ELCA

The Rocky Mountain Synod participates in a Churchwide candidacy process. The three basic steps are Entrance, Endorsement, and Approval. You are asked to begin the process for Entrance 9–12 months prior to the date you hope to begin theological study at an ELCA seminary or other ATS accredited seminary.   Additional information and access to on-line forms is available on the ELCA  website.

Many questions may arise as you begin the process. Varying life situations require counsel and flexibility. Therefore, we are eager to talk with you as you begin this significant journey of discernment and vocational formation. Are you interested in exploring rostered ministry in the ELCA? Please complete this form to connect with Pastor Diana Linden-Johnson, Synod Minister for Rostered Leaders.

Submit your *In Discernment form


Applicants are encouraged to begin exploring the seven ELCA seminaries as early as possible. The admissions process takes place at the same time as the Entrance process. ELCA students must receive a positive Entrance decision prior to being fully admitted to ELCA seminaries. If you are interested in attending a different ATS accredited seminary, please be in contact with Pastor Diana Linden-Johnson at dlinden-johnson@rmselca.org.  Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary is located in Berkeley, California, and is the seminary related to and supported by the Rocky Mountain Synod.

RMS Candidacy Committee

Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni
Diana Biggs
The Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber
Annette Bolt
The Rev. Laura Bostrom [Chair]
Deacon Janice Krakow
The Rev. Diana Linden-Johnson - Office of the Bishop Staff
The Rev. Joe Natwick
Maria Pavia
Kelly Martin
The Rev. Nate Preisinger
Tanya Scott
Deacon Mary Stoneback
Maria Sutton
The Rev. Kristofor Trahnstrom
Yvonne Wilken - RMS Office Administrator

Scholarship Opportunities

The Rocky Mountain Synod is pleased to provide scholarships of $500 to $2000 to those with financial need who are in Candidacy in the Rocky Mountain Synod. The RMS Seminary Scholarship Fund welcomes contributions from individuals and congregations. Funds are also received from RMS Assembly and Theological Conference offerings, as well as from bequests. Contact the Office of the Bishop to contribute to this fund. 

  • RMS Seminary Scholarship Fund
    • The Rocky Mountain Synod is pleased to provide scholarships of $500 to $2000 to those with financial need who are in Candidacy in the Rocky Mountain Synod. The RMS Seminary Scholarship Fund welcomes contributions from individuals and congregations. Funds are also received from RMS Assembly and Theological Conference offerings, as well as from bequests. Contact the Office of the Bishop to contribute to this fund. 
  • ELCA Fund for Leaders
  • Hayes Memorial Scholarship