The RMS is seeking three or four volunteers to serve on the newly formed Synod Property Committee for a one- or two-year commitment. The primary function of the committee is to advise on strategic planning, resource allocation, and procedural systems related to the care and management of RMS real estate assets. This committee is best served by RMS members who are lay or rostered individuals with a desire to share expertise related to one or more industries: property management, construction management, architecture, environmental issues, property inspection, real estate, or legal issues. The committee reports to the Synod Council, collaborates with on-site property managers and/or advisory committees, and coordinates with the Finance Committee. Members meet in person or virtually at least once a quarter and more often as needed to discuss property management strategies, identify needs, monitor the budget and expenditures, and plan major projects. Members do not need to live in the Denver area.
Send personal inquiries or recommendations to Susan Sharkey, Synod Treasurer,
Posted September 5, 2023