Synod Leadership
The mission, vision, and ministry of the Rocky Mountain Synod is stewarded by the Synod Council, Synod Bishop, and Office of the Bishop Staff. This ministry is carried out in partnership with Conference Deans, representing the 10 conferences of the RMS.

Church Together
The ministry and witness of the ELCA is carried out through a variety of expressions, organizations, and ecumenical partners.

Next Faithful Step
In order to boldly and effectively continue our vital witness to the gospel as Church Better Together, the Synod Council has chosen to invest time and resources in four ministry initiatives that form our Next Faithful Step. These initiatives grow out of our existing synod strategic vision and are deeply rooted in we call our “ELCA DNA”: equipping the baptized for ministry, engaging in life-long faith formation, centering our witness on God’s living Word & the gifts of the Sacraments, living as a public church for the life of the world.
To participate in God’s mission, this synod as a part of the Church shall: proclaim God’s saving Gospel of justification by grace for Christ’s sake through faith alone, according to the apostolic witness in the Holy Scripture, preserving and transforming the Gospel faithfully to future generations.
RMS Communications